Saturday, May 19, 2007

Carter Blasts Bush: With A Little independent Commentary

Warning to Bushites: Don't mess with Carter

President Carter Blasts Bush
Published: 5/19/07, 2:06 PM EDT

LITTLE ROCK (AP) - Former President Jimmy Carter says President George W. Bush's administration is "the worst in history" in international relations, taking aim at the White House's policy of pre-emptive war and its Middle East diplomacy.

Hey, Jimmy, don't stop there, The Domestic Front is a nightmare as well.

The criticism from Carter, which a biographer says is unprecedented for the 39th president, also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative funding.

We could not agree more. I have never heard Jimmy Carter criticize another administration since he left office over 25 years ago, though I feel sure he did not agree with the policies of Reagan or Bush, Sr. or Clinton, for that matter. However, though he waited well beyond the time I thought he should drag out the Bazookas, for the past few years he hasn't been pulling any punches.

(We appreciate the hell out of that, Mr. President)

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a story that appeared in the newspaper's Saturday editions. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me."

Us too, Mr President. Anyone who can out-do Nixon, Reagan and Bush, Sr. when it comes to sleaze and criminal activity, has got to be the worst president in history

Carter spokeswoman Deanna Congileo confirmed his comments to The Associated Press on Saturday and declined to elaborate. He spoke while promoting his new audiobook series, "Sunday Mornings in Plains," a collection of weekly Bible lessons from his hometown of Plains, Ga.

Bet there is some good Christian Code in that book (not fundie buzzwords). Bet we read it, too

"Apparently, Sunday mornings in Plains for former President Carter includes hurling reckless accusations at your fellow man," said Amber Wilkerson, Republican National Committee spokeswoman. She said it was hard to take Carter seriously because he also "challenged Ronald Reagan's strategy for the Cold War."

Hummm....Amber Wilson? Wonder where she graduated; Liberty University or some other Madrasa of higher learning?

Nevertheless, shut your stupid trap, Amber. Carter may have criticized Reagan's strategy for the cold war, bu t he never criticized him, personally.

Could it be that Carter criticized Reagan's strategy because, having recently left the White House, he was acutely aware that it was based on bogus Intel. (sound familiar?), which came out of a newly purged CIA.

The Soviet Union was crumbling from within by the time Reagan/Bush came to office. They did not like that.

Peace might break out. Portfolios could lose lots of money. The Beast (military-industrial complex) has to be fed. Ramp of the fear index. New CIA needed. We know the drill.

Carter came down hard on the Iraq war.

"We now have endorsed the concept of pre-emptive war where we go to war with another nation militarily, even though our own security is not directly threatened, if we want to change the regime there or if we fear that some time in the future our security might be endangered," he said. "But that's been a radical departure from all previous administration policies."

It is a criminal departure from anything that has gone before. It is, however, also a natural progression from every Republican administration we have seen since Ike warned us about the dangers of the Beast. It is the realization of a twisted, highly dangerous imperial American fascism.

Carter, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, criticized Bush for having "zero peace talks" in Israel. Carter also said the administration "abandoned or directly refuted" every negotiated nuclear arms agreement, as well as environmental efforts by other presidents.
Carter also offered a harsh assessment for the White House's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which helped religious charities receive $2.15 billion in federal grants in fiscal year 2005 alone.

The Bushites are an illegitimate, rogue regime. I, personally, have no allegiance to them. I do still, however, have an allegiance to my country and the principles upon which it ws founded, which puts me in direct, serious conflict conflict with Bush and company.

"The policy from the White House has been to allocate funds to religious institutions, even those that channel those funds exclusively to their own particular group of believers in a particular religion," Carter said. "As a traditional Baptist, I've always believed in separation of church and state and honored that premise when I was president, and so have all other presidents, I might say, except this one."

They are supporting the right-wing madrassas, so they can pump out more lame-brain attorneys to staff our justice system or others, with whom to infiltrate our military as officers.

It is a hostile take-over, Mr. President, one which religion, in this country,will long regret.


Because it is about to turn on them in a huge way; one they will not like very much.

Unfortunately, the turning may be an an event for all religions and denominations. Many of us have had about all we can take of religious insanity.

Douglas Brinkley, a Tulane University presidential historian and Carter biographer, described Carter's comments as unprecedented.

"This is the most forceful denunciation President Carter has ever made about an American president," Brinkley said. "When you call somebody the worst president, that's volatile. Those are fighting words."

If any of Bush's thugs feel like going after Carter, let the word go out.: You will have a fight on your hands.

You want a war? You will flat get one.

We are sick and tired of Bullys and we know how to deal with them. So, bring it on, you cretins!

Carter also lashed out Saturday at British prime minister Tony Blair. Asked how he would judge Blair's support of Bush, the former president said: "Abominable. Loyal. Blind. Apparently subservient."

"And I think the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world," Carter told British Broadcasting Corp. radio.

Amen, Brother Carter! Unfortunate though that truth is for us all.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. I.U. has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is I.U endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)

The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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