Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Many Earth Days Do We Have Left?

According to the prophesies of the Mayans and many other ancient tribes, not to mention more modern geek-type prophets, we have 4 more earth days left. This world will pass away on Dec. 21, 2012. How that will happen, largely depends on us.

Will mankind pass away with it or will enough of our species awaken in time to save us from extinction? (Sounds like a teaser on a sci-fi channel soap opera, eh?)

I thought this was major b.s. until I began to look into it and spoke to a very old Hopi woman last Spring.

Hint: arming yourself and laying in thousands of pounds of food and other supplies won't help. None of our old ways will be of any help to us. NONE OF THEM.The same is true of our thinking habits, emotional habits and all other forms of mechanical, unconscious existence.

Don't think "punishment." Rather think, "balance."

We, homosapiens, can be part of the solution or part of the problem. We cannot be both.

We can hope and pray that our collective conscious changes in time for our species to survive and we can rest assured that our species will not survive unless there is a major awakening.

When it comes to the survival of the planet or the survival of mankind, I will give my care to the planet any time, and I do not believe I am alone. If mankind finds that the earth is not exactly as he would have it, he has only himself to blame. No, he cannot blame God. God didn't burn fossil fuels like a suicidal maniac. We did that. God didn't pollute our oceans, streams, rivers, lakes and air. We did that. God didn't race about the globe, polluting the environment of others in foreign nations, nor did God out-right poison people in those nations, as well as in many of our own communities. Nope, we did that too, in our very distressing disguise as corporate sociopathic deciders.

While it all seems pretty damn hopeless, there are far more enlightened or semi-enlightened people on this earth than most people would suspect; they are in this country and around the world. Of course, no one would know that by simply watching the news or reading the local paper. It is true, nonetheless.

How Many Earth Days Do We Have Left?

Terrence McNally, AlterNet

Environment: Lester Brown, author of Plan B 3.0, shows us how we can change in enough time to save life on earth, as we know it.

The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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