Saturday, February 3, 2007

THINK, While It's Still Legal

Thinking is certainly verboten in the Bush Administration.

Soon, they may make it illegal.

In a way, they use propaganda and fear -- as in Orwell's 1984 -- to stifle thought.

The Busheviks are like the followers of Pol Pot in that they wish to destroy history. Every day they erase the day before. They take the truth and their past statements and wipe them from the chalk board -- and the news rides the wave of deceit like surfers skimming atop "the big one."

So think while you can. FOX News is the official Orwellian purveyor of manufactured news that has appearance of truth, but is really nothing more than propaganda strung together to support the party line.

The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers

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