Saturday, May 31, 2008

Congressman Wexler Calls For Testimony From Scott McClellan

Impeachment it is too good for them.

Support Congressman Wexler:

The Bush-Cheney Criminal Enterprise Must be Confronted Now!

Recent revelations from the upcoming book by former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan cite the increasing need to confront the impeachment issue immediately.

Although we agree that the Bush/Cheney crime ring should have been busted long ago, with the only legal busting-tool available to the American people, impeachment and trial by the senate, I'm afraid it's much too late for that.

The other thought that has occurred to some of us is that, given that Clinton was impeached and tried by the senate for lying about adultery, impeachment and trial by the senate may be too good for Bush, Cheney and company. After all, how can the the crime of perjury in a civil matter possibly be compared to lying this nation into a war of aggression, outing a CIA agent for purely political reasons and to cover-up the deception and fear-mongering that built support among the people for the mother of all war crimes, making torture U.S. policy (again without the knowledge of the people), shredding our constitution and numerous other hideous crimes?

Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida has vigilantly pursued the necessity of impeachment hearings and of holding government officials, beginning with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, accountable for potential "high crimes and misdemeanors" under mandate of no less than the U.S. Constitution.

And a lot of good that has done. We have come to a general conclusion that, currently, Washington, D.C. is far too corrupt to deal with criminals in power in the executive, since a majority of the congress critters who would be holding impeachment hearings are not exactly pure as the driven snow or even the dirty snow of industrial towns in the north east, if there are any left.

As so many continue to point out, this duty to pursue commission of high crimes and misdemeanors by those charged with upholding the U.S. Constitution violates that document and deems it necessary for them to answer such charges. There is a duty to pursue such acts of grievous misconduct and, when the facts warrant, remove the responsible parties from their positions of power.

McClellan reveals that Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney lied about their roles in revealing the identity of Valerie Plame Wilson, actions constituting an obstruction of justice.

Surprise, surprise! Who didn't already know that, including all or most of the Republicans in Congress, not to mention the Democrats? Nothing of what I have heard about McClellan's book, which I gather are the most sensational "revelations," are barely news worthy. The only thing that makes it news-worthy is the identity of the author, a former insider in the Bush White House and a former, Texas Bush loyalist. I guess what Scottie and others, who had known Junior for years in Texas, did not count on was Cheney and the NeoCons, who were just too thrilled to make Junior a war president, which is what he wanted.

The former White House Press Secretary also wrote that there was a coordinated effort by the Bush administration to use propaganda to inflate the case for attacking and ultimately occupying Iraq and hide the projected costs of the war from the American people. there anyone out there that did not know this? If there is, please, see a physician as quickly as possible. Chances are you need help.

Congressman Wexler stated May 28:

"Scott McClellan must be called to testify under oath before the House Judiciary Committee to tell Congress and the American people everything he knows about this massive effort by the White House to deceive this nation into war."

Who doesn't?

Last week a subpoena was issued for Karl Rove to testify before the Judiciary Committee. It appears that the former top political strategist for the Bush-Cheney team will pursue every legal action to block this subpoena.

The Congress should issue a warrant for Rove's arrest for contempt of Congress. He can be held in the basement of the capitol, in solitary and incommunicado, like the prisoners at Guantanamo. After all, Mr Rove has helped to more harm to this nation a than Osama bin laden could have ever dreamed about.

According to Congressman Wexler, "The truth is that Congress has the right - and obligation - to hold him (Rove) accountable now - not months or years from now. It is long past time to pass Inherent Contempt and bring Rove, Libby and others before Congress."

I would say, "responsibility," but who listens to me? Besides, that boat sailed a long time ago.

Congressman Wexler should consider the fate, as it were, of I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby. Pardoned, for all practical purposes, was he. The only thing he lost was his law license and he does not really need that to remain on the GOP/corporate gravy train. He can be a consultant, whatever the hell that is, a lobbyist, representing some of the better known terrorist heads of state, like Charlie Black of the McCain team or, maybe, an economic hit man for a big multinational. The opportunities for a man or woman without a soul are endless in Washington. Do we want Bush to pardon Rove, after double jeopardy is attached?

Could be, Bush may well pardon everyone in his administration, including himself, for all crimes, committed or not, as he is walking out of the W.H. door. I believe that I remember it was concluded by the TeeVee legal eagles of constitutional law, that there is nothing, legally, to prevent a president from pardoning himself in the way that Richard Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford. Of course, what Nixon may or may not have known, though he certainly should have, as he was a lawyer himself, is that to sign such a document of pardon, which one must do if one is granted any such pardon and agrees to accept it, is a legal admission of guilt, associated in a breech of the law, perhaps international, which in this case, would go completely unstated. So, admittedly, Bush and Cheney both could shout from the roof tops and laugh maniacally, while admitting to mass murder, and there would be nothing our law could do about it, nor our elected least, not legally. Neither of them will act in such a way, because of the few Americans, out in the hinterlands or in a big urban areas who might not care about illegalities or legalities. A man, whose only son died for George's Bush's ego and a whole host of idiotic, elitists, egg-headed theories, created in the minds of men and women who have never seen a real battle ground, might just snap entirely. I've seen people snap for far less reasons, or seen the results of such mental/emotional snapping.

I would far more prefer that this gang be brought to trial, somewhere where we, the people, would not be seen as having any power nor would we have any real power to influence the trial of American war criminals at the Hague, preferably, where Saddam should have been tried.

O.K, LOL all you like, but comparatively speaking, ours' probably is one of the best when it comes to "justice." I put that in quotes, because I don't believe that mankind is capable of Justice, at least not in the essential sense of the word and not at this time in the eternity of universal time, which is well beyond the comprehension of 99.99999% of us and understandably so.

Please note that I did not say that I think there are no Americans, nor people from every other nation, who are not capable of understanding real Justice. There are many of those people, more than most people would believe. They are, for the most part, unknowns; anonymous beings who live in the poorest nations in Africa as well as the wealthiest enclaves of America and Europe. They are Scandinavian, of some variety, Dutch, Polish, English, Irish and Scottish, Spainish, Portuguese, French, German, Austrian, Lithuanian, Russian, Uzbek, Chinese, Afghans, Pakistanis, The people of the Arab Peninsula and the Middle East, Egypt and every other nation in Africa, Tibet, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Timor and all of Indonesia .......and the Australians, the Kiwis, and the people from all the islands of the pacific, in addition to all the nations of Central and South America, the Koreas and Japan and, of course, the Taiwanese. There are also the Thais, the Cambodians and, my personal favorites, the Canadians along with many other countries I didn't mention.

(I have never met a Canadian I did not like. I am, admittedly, usually no matter what, on their side about anything and I applaud them when they don't take our side about everything, when we are behaving idiotically on the world stage. Like a good sister or brother...or even a really good friend, the Canadians will simply say "no, we don't think so" when we suggest blowing our own foot off just to collect a huge reward for being the most retarded in the old prairie town, back when idiocy was still publicly funny. There are many other reasons, but I won't mention them here. Nevertheless, I luv me Canucks, if for no other reason than them living on top of the seemingly eternal powder keg, my country, and not doing something really awful to us when we weren't looking, which is far more than I would have thought given the budget for such things, both before and after 9/11/01.)

Any way, my point is, that there are some very aware, enlightened, attuned people in this world today. They are rarely what we think of as religious and are often short sold on their deeply held spirituality, because it is not recognized by those around them. They do, while others are still talking. They did, before others were even born and they will know those who come to them for help, wisdom, comfort and other simple needs of the people of a world in very deep trouble. Some are more easily found than others, but none will be found in the yellow pages.

There is hope, people, in spite of it all. Don't panic, friends. Just be still and listen, hear....more than likely what some of you would just as soon not hear and that which will cause joy in the hearts of others

Some of us will not hear, as our ears can still not hear, but that is not as important as the request for all of us to be still, now. As we move through summer, into Autumn, we need to return to our understanding of planetary time and start again to live by it. In most of the major faith traditions and/or philosophies, the cycles of life and the earth are honored in some fashion, as well they should be, if we can ever hope to live and truly prosper in peace, real Justice and unity on our planet.

Wexler believes that we cannot ignore these recent developments nor postpone serious inquiry until after the election. He realizes that there is a duty mandated by the Constitution to act under such circumstances, a necessity others in position of high trust need to also recognize and act upon with due speed and diligence.

Good luck with that, Congressman Wexler. I understand your outrage, but you are spitting into the win, Sir.

I could not care less about how this will effect the election, but it does not make sense at this very late date and for the reasons mentioned above. I believe it would be in the Democrats best interest, politically, to pursue impeachment, if not trial by jury and public hanging, but that is way beside the point. Mr. Wexler, you can shout 'til the cows come home, again and again and it will not matter. Nothing is going to be done to the war criminals in this administration and, in part because of that, Americans are about to learn what a hard life really is and what powerlessness really feels like. Excuse me, some of us are about to learn. Most of us already know.

(We took a poll of our members several months back and occasionally we post some of our findings, especially some the shocking and unexpected ones. One day, hopefully, we will post the whole thing, but at the moment it helps us make some analysis that is very important to us and our very near-in-the-future plans.

We all hardily encourage all Americans to cut their consumption of everything, especially fossil fuel, if not forgo its use entirely, if one can. We have proposed this simple idea since 2002 on numbers of other blogs; PROBABLY just about every year on various blogs all over the political blogopshere. One guy said, it wouldn't matter because the Chinese and the Indians will take up the slack at the oil pumps. I keep remembering what I thought was...."what the hell difference does that make at this point?

Don't you see, this is not the right or wrong, capitalist/ free-marketeer, magic move that will end all of our woes, such as they are, currently, that we are talking about here? This has to to with this world passing away, as predicted and prophesied by a number of fine holy men and women from just about every ancient tradition and a few modern day geeks, HOWEVER, not the end of the planet. She will sleep for a few thousand or so years, and life of some kind, again will emerge from those future days primordial ooze. That is, if we really screw up now by believing in the fairy tale that life in America will never change, because we somehow deserve to live the high life, even as the rest of the world and even people in our own country do not have enough food, no medical care, no jobs and no hope.

While it is hard to top the OMG! the night we discovered that only 3% of Americans had passports while 65% of us independent unbounders did, here is a poll number that comes close.

75% of independents we polled (out of 756 people, at the time) say it is more a moral question now than a question of survival to get off the grid entirely, if possible and cut fossil fuel consumption by at least 2/3 by the end of summer.

More than 230,000 Americans previously signed up at the site urging that impeachment action be expeditiously taken.

I won't be one of them. That boat sailed a long time ago. Congress needs to stay out of it, before they eff it up like they have most everything else.

As for the Bush administration, its response to the McClellan disclosures show that nothing has changed since the tired old strategy of Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy beginning in the fifties extended to more recent times with Lee Atwater and Karl Rove. When one cannot refute a message then the strategy is to form an angry pack, then loudly and persistently attack and seek to destroy the messenger.

Day before yesterday it seemed they were trying to convince everyone that Scott was Sybil. "This is not the Scott we knew." Either that, or they were trying to get us to believe that an alien had taken over Scott's body or something. It was very strange if not creepy, but typical of this W.H.

When former Counterterrorism Coordinator Richard Clarke disclosed that the Bush-Cheney neoconservatives had pursued war with Iraq from the onset of the administration, he was attacked as a disgruntled partisan Democrat. It was pointed out that this was odd since the Bush administration had invited him to remain after Bill Clinton left office.

When former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, after leaving office, wrote that Bush had a fixation about attacking Iraq, he was deemed to be a businessman out of his depth on foreign affairs. Did this mean that he could not observe what was occurring regularly at Cabinet meetings?

When former Ambassador Joseph Wilson refuted the neoconservative charge that Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein was seeking yellow cake from Niger to enhance its Uranium potential in seeking a nuclear arsenal, he was accused of seeking to polish his credentials to become a possible Secretary of State under John Kerry should the Massachusetts U.S. Senator win the 2004 presidential election.

Wilson had a very simple and plausible explanation. He was seeking to prevent a war with Iraq waged on a false premise. Later after his wife, a CIA nuclear weapons expert, was outed by neoconservatives in a column by neocon columnist Robert Novak, he pointed out that he had a right and duty to protect his wife from death after her identity was disclosed as an act of political reprisal.

Emerging at the top of the current pack to attack Scott McClellan is Fran Townsend, former head of the White House Counterterrorism Office, who said, "For him (McClellan) to do this now strikes me as self-serving, disingenuous and unprofessional."

It would have struck her that way no matter when he would have done it. Ms Townsend is Miss Disingenuous, if you ask me. Does anyone pay any attention to her anymore?

Is it not self-serving to launch war on the basis of false intelligence? Is it not self-serving for Cheney to hold private meetings dividing up Iraq in advance for the corporate sector, including the company he once headed, Halliburton, along with longtime major player Bechtel?

Is it professional to engage in a pattern of continuing deception on behalf of an administration that launches war based on a tissue of lies and tramples long practiced, cherished constitutional liberties on the pretext of fighting terrorism when we have never even commissioned an independent investigation to determine what happened on 9/11?

Is it professional to engage in widespread torture at designated prison camps like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo in violation of international law, including the UN Charter, the Nuremberg Principles and the Geneva Codes?

Is it professional to kidnap citizens of other nations and, under the guise of fighting terrorism, fly them to other countries to be subjected to long term interrogation and beatings under the guise of fighting terrorism?

Is this practice of rendition professional? Is it the practice of a democratic nation?

It is if the Democracy in question is the U.S and the people being rendered are Bush officials and they are being rendered to the Hague.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. I.U. has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is I.U endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)

The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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