Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bush, Cheney and Lieberman: Deport Them!

Let's not forget the biggest opportunity of all; the anthrax attacks, making the way smooth for the "Enabling Act." (patriot act)

Opportunistic Tyrants

A. Alexander, July 8th, 2007

If politicians, especially the likes of Joe Lieberman, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush should ever wonder why the American people no longer consider their counsel on terrorism to be worthy of deliberation, they need only observe their own politically opportunistic behavior.

These politicians too often pat themselves on the back, after having directed the FBI to find a group of mentally challenged individuals and helping make them into terrorists; they preoccupy themselves by trying to spin a faraway and farfetched terror plot to their domestic political advantage; or they simply make up lies about al Qaeda having overrun Iraq. In all instances, at best, the claims of these particular politicians are based firmly upon half-truths and regardless of the circumstance, they are always trying to use events primarily as the means to strip away from the American people, their individual rights and freedoms.

If there is a bomb anywhere in the world, these politicians immediately link it to the war in Iraq and a need for more domestic spying. There is no tragedy that they aren't willing to exploit for their own nefarious political ends.

The latest London plots proved to be no exception. Mister Bush quickly moved to link it to the importance of victory in Iraq. Mister Lieberman found himself on the Sunday morning talk show circuit and called for more cameras to be placed here-there-everywhere within American cities. He also attacked Democrats for trying to hold the Bush administration's actions within the confines of the Constitution and rule of law. According to Lieberman, Democrats are terrible people for daring to, in light of the London plots, set rules and limits on the government's ability to spy upon innocent American citizens - as if the one had anything to do with the other. Their only response to terrorism anywhere, is to limit freedom everywhere.

Who could trust such lowlife opportunists? Mister Bush, Cheney and Lieberman fancy themselves as being too smart for everyone to figure out, but they and their motivation have become transparent enough to make it possible for one to read through them the fine print of a health insurance policy. These politicians aren't interested in keeping the American people safe. They are only interested in manipulating the fear of the American people and furthering their own stygian political objectives, which involve increasingly consolidating power in the hands of a select few.

The opinions and counsel of these politicians, especially the likes of Joe Lieberman, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, are no longer considered by the American people because they have been exposed for the opportunistic tyrants that they are.

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The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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