Saturday, July 28, 2007

WHite House and Wingnuttia bloggers

There comes a time, for many of us, when trusting in one's life-experiences and minds; when faith means trusting in ones own mind and in the basic goodness and the decency of humanity is imperative, if one we want to do what is necessary to awaken the people of every nation

At times like these it is difficult in the extreme. There certainly seems to be no one in which we can trust. Not true. Only the loudest ones who should be considered lunatic and whom cannot be trusted to regulate themselves. They are in more of a minority than we are led to believe, daily, by the MSM and Cabal News.

Time is of the essence.

Our time is now.

White House Convenes Right-Wing Blogger Propaganda Conference Call

Once again Bush is hoping to “catapult the propaganda”:

Raw Story:

At the urging of top conservative bloggers, the White House set up a Friday morning conference call to promote its message on the subject of executive privilege, RAW STORY has found.

“The White House hosted a blogger conference call to discuss the issues surrounding the Bush administration’s use of executive privilege in the probe of the firings of eight federal prosecutors,” wrote Ed Morrissey, who produces the blog Captains Quarters. “The White House arranged the call based on a recommendation by this blog, in order to familiarize the blogosphere with the legal and political arguments on which the administration will rely to prevail in the upcoming fight regarding the contempt citations Congress seems likely to approve.”

I’m very curious to know who else was in on this conference call. I’m equally as curious to know if the hate-site-sponsoring Michelle Malkin was on the line. Or if the al-Qaeda-plot-supporting Charles Johnson was there, too. Perhaps in attendance were those who helped leak onto the internets blueprints for nuclear weapons (in Arabic, no less.)

Maybe BillO — otherwise known as the Non-Partisan “Aribter of Upstanding Political Discourse” — will launch a full-scale outrage campaign and demand answers & accountability. Stay tuned…

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. I.U. has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is I.U endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)

The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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