Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Young Folks

Yes, many are leaving the GOP, but they are not, en mass, signing for the Democratic party either. They are becoming independents politically.

Many of them are the grandchildren of the 60s generation, and our future and the future of the nation and the world depends on them.

I think they can handle what's coming.

They are much smarter than we were and more skilled in the latest technology.

Stop! Hey what's that sound ...


promoted by avahome

Well, according to a study recently released by Democracy Corp (PDF) its the deafening sound of young people leaving the Republican Party.

This study shows that there is a not just a "shift," but a wave:

A major, multi-mode survey of America's young people recently conducted by Democracy Corps shows young people profoundly alienated from the Republican Party and poised to deliver a significant majority to the Democratic nominee for President in 2008.

This should spell good news for Democrats, if they take the time to understand:

[...] young people's economic struggles, more than any other issue, defines their political agenda.

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The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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