Friday, September 12, 2008


Seems The Gutter-Snipes at Faux Noise Have A Problem With "Black Liberation Theology."

The really odd thing, it seems to me, is that this crew believes that religion of any kind should be anything but "liberation theology."

Yes. on one level, liberation theology has been practiced mostly by people of color. This is because it is usually people of color who are being obviously oppressed and it is usually white people who are doing the oppressing, though this is not always the case.

Nevertheless, once one get's passed the obvious physical, economic, and social oppression; we are all looking for liberation, whether we know that to be true at this moment in our history or not.

Any kind of theology that does not recognize and properly deal with the human need to be liberated from the individual-ego/personality, as well as from one's particular group(s) ego/personality, isn't a very accurate or helpful theology; not to the individual, to their community, state, nation or home planet.

Hume: ‘There’s Been Very Little If Any Reporting’ On Obama’s Faith

brithume2.jpgYesterday on the Laura Ingraham show, Fox News’s Senior Washington Correspondent Brit Hume agreed with Ingraham that examinations of Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) religion are inappropriate. He argued that such reports are completely different than questions the press stoked about Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) church, because those questions were about Obama’s pastor, not about Obama’s faith:

HUME: There was a big controversy about Barack Obama’s church, not because of the Christian doctrine that was preached from the pulpit or the nature of the faith that was practiced there, but because of the highly political statements that the pastor had made, mostly about America. Which is an entirely different proposition and an entirely different story. There have been very little if any searching reporting done about Barack Obama’s faith.

Despite Hume’s attempts to rewrite history, the fact is that the media — with Fox leading the way — spent months discussing Obama’s religion, first wondering whether he was a Christian at all and then raising ominous questions about the type of Christianity preached at his church. In fact, a simple Nexis search of Fox transcripts for “black liberation theology” gets 37 returns in just the last six months — including discussions by Hume himself and on his show:

– BRIT HUME: And he distinguishes between Reverend Wright’s religious message and these occasional political assertions. … That is a church that is rooted in what is called “black liberation theology.” So is that really a distinction that can be credible? [Special Report with Brit Hume, 3/17/08]

– NINA EASTON: But I think the problem is actually deeper and one that will keep on coming back to haunt him, in that it is this church, Trinity Church, which a lot of it practices black liberation theology, which is what this reverend practices. [Special Report with Brit Hume, 5/29/08]

– JASON RILEY: I want to know what Barack thinks about black liberation theology. What does he subscribe to? What does he not subscribe to? I would be interested in knowing this. I don’t think it is a religious test. I think in our country, with its racial history, it is due diligence. [Journal Editorial Report, 5/2/08]

– SEAN HANNITY: Now, we explored the roots [of] liberation theology on last week’s program, but keep in mind that its, quote, “sole purpose” is to apply the freeing power of the gospel to black people under, quote, “white oppression.” [Hannity’s America, 5/11/08]

Is it really “an entirely different proposition” to examine how Palin’s religion might affect her governing views?

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The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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