Saturday, January 12, 2008

Navy Caught Lying About Iranian Rubber Ducky Affair

Taped Voices May Not Have Come From Iranian Boats


Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming
around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is now
saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship.

Or it could've come from the US Navy, trying to provoke an attack.

Or anyone whose wet dreams are all about war with Iran. It wouldn't be to difficult to paint those speed boats with Iranian colors and put anyone on-board. CIA? Israelis? This is only the beginning.

The near-clash occurred over the weekend in the Strait of Hormuz. On the U.S. recording,
a voice can be heard saying to the Americans, "I am coming to you. You will explode
after a few minutes."

The Navy never said where the voices came from, but many were left with the impression
they had come from the speedboats because of the way the Navy footage was edited.

So - they got caught lying.
I'm shocked that Republicans would lie to start a war - aren't you?

I wouldn't be surprised if a Democrat lied to start a war (Gulf Of Tonkin?). Wouldn't be surprised if either party lied to keep a war going so the M-I-C Beast can be fed.

Today, the spokesperson for the U.S. admiral in charge of the Fifth Fleet clarified that
the threat may have come from the Iranian boats, or it may have come from somewhere else.

So why didn't you tell the truth in the first place?
Why did you wait until after you were caught to give us the real facts?

Confusion, I would imagine. Nevertheless, only the USN has bucked Junior and Cheney on their plans to agitate and aggravate the Iranian government into making a big mistake. The important thing is, our sailors didn't fire. Admiral Fallon is watching this like a hawk.

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The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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