Friday, May 18, 2007

Hillary: The Corporate Candidate?

Here is a current example of the reasons why I have remained an independent all of my voting life; going on 37 years now.

I do not hate Hillary or Bill Clinton. I haven't actively hated any politician since Richard Nixon resigned the presidency in disgrace. Hating politicians is a major waste of time and energy and it clouds one's ability to see, clearly, who, among wealthy and powerful special interests, are pulling their strings.

Politicians, in our country, have become pathetic middle- men/women, not worthy of respect or admiration.

Not all corporations are equally evil. (All multinationals are, however, guilty until proven innocent of bottom-line worshiping to the detriment of ordinary people the world over, and should always be viewed with suspicion, if not out-right contempt.)

At the moment, I cannot imagine anything worse than the current administration of election-stealing fascists and war criminals.

I felt the same way about Nixon.

I should have had a better imagination.

AlterNet: Hillary: The Corporate Candidate?:

If Hillary Clinton really wanted to curtail the influence of the powerful as she says in her speeches, she might start with the advisers to her own campaign, who represent some of the weightiest interests in corporate America.

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