Friday, May 25, 2007

The Bushites Were Warned About Iraq

They were warned about 9/11 as well, time and time again.

It's hard to believe that anyone is a stupid as these people seem to be. But either they are that stupid, or they knew and, as in the instance of 9/11 did nothing, and in the nightmare of Iraq went ahead with the invasion against all advice.

Did they want a war for profit?. Because they flat got one. That is all that has been accomplished. portfolios got fatter and we became more despised the world over.

Can anyone really be as stupid as the Bushites seem to be, given all we know?

Senate Report Says U.S. Was Warned Iraq Invasion Could Help Iran, al Qaeda
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- U.S. intelligence agencies warned senior members of the Bush administration in early 2003 that invading Iraq could create internal conflict that would give Iran and al Qaeda new opportunities to expand their influence, according to an upcoming Senate report.
Officials familiar with the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation also say analysts warned against U.S. domination in the region, which could increase extremist recruiting. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the report's declassification is not finished. It could be made public as soon as this week.

The committee also found that the warnings predicting what would happen after ...

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The Nazis, Fascists and Communists were political parties before they became enemies of liberty and mass murderers.

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